About Us

Association & Community


NewCulture is a nonprofit association based and founded in Vienna by artists Isabella May (B.TCA) and Artur Asboth (Bruno Aturo) to support fellow creative professionals and their goals. It helps artists of any backgrounds, art-fields and styles to connect and enrich each others perspective of creating while participating in our events or projects.  

As a charitable association NewCultures goal is to build a strong community of artists that can profit from each others experiences and work on events, projects or collaborations together. We strongly believe that working with other creative people and ambitious organizers is the best and most enhancing way of growing an artists circle and reputation. Why fighting on your own when you can lift each other up? Talking about experiences, spreading ideas, sharing each others social-media-posts, visiting each others events, or even collaborating in a bigger project together - use NewCulture any way you feel most comfortable with and see the most use in. It's up to YOU. 

NewCulture Team

isabella M. May (she/her)

Founder, Head of Project-Execution, Artist: I.M.

Isabella was born in Vienna in 1997 and has dedicated herself to various types of arts early on in her life. With a mixture of different styles and techniques she calls her works crossover-art and uses it as a way of expressing the dialogues she not always gets the chance to have with society. 

Working as an art curator and gallerist she has experience in organizing exhibitions and promoting other artists as much as helping them grow their reputation. Yet she not only worked with fellow artists but also musicians, event-organizations and other gallerists to create exciting events and projects. With NewCulutre Isabella now wants to step it up and create a bigger and stronger platform for artists of all types and backgrounds to grow and succeed together. 

Adam Balogh (he/him)


Adam Balogh was born in Budapest, Hungary in 1991, and lives in Vienna since 2017. Since then, Adam discovers his love for photography and photography also appears to love Adam, because he spends a lot of money on cameras and equipment.

He is a passionate street enthusiast, loves to do portraits of people, listening to their stories or spending a lot of hours to enjoy a landscape. He also enjoys creating memories for couples and special atmosphere on an event through his photography. He is always open to create, have fun, and get to know new people so NewCulture became a great opportunity for him to do so. 

Sandor Szabadi (he/him)

Podcast Production, Videographer 

Sandor is a talented videographer and has supported NewCultue with his unique eye for different angles and camera movements. He is also actively involved in the planing and creating of the video-content within the projects of NC.

Within our Voices & Visions project of NC, Sandor became the main video producer and editor of the Podcast and proved his amazing skills in media production and his special eye for lighting, atmosphere.

Artur Asboth (he/him)

Co-Founder, Artist: Bruno Aturo

Artur was born in Ukraine in 1992 and came to Austria at the age of 6. Always enthusiastic about art, he devoted himself to his passion early on and began to paint entire series with special regard to abstract approaches and charitable gimmicks with lines, colors and shapes. 

Apart from being and artist himself he has always been interested in connecting creative people, planing meet-ups, events and exhibitions for young and ambitious artists like himself. With NewCulture he finally got the platform he always looked for to create even more and bigger events for the art & culture community to grow and succeed. 

Verena Kollars (She/her)

Podcast Moderator, Dancer

Verena dedicates most of her time to the field of social science and research. In her free time she is a motorcycle-enthusiast and hiphop-dancer and enjoys cocktails as well as good food all over Vienna. She is a happy supporter of NewCulture and helps whenever she can (the Master thesis is proving to be more work than expected).

Within the Voices & Visions project of NC, she now shows her strength of communication and captivating dialogues by being the host and moderator of first official NewCulture Podcast. In funny, inspiring and sometimes very personal interviews with our artist-guests, Verena manages to give the Podcast a unique sense of sympathy.

Stefan Beneditsch (he/him)

Crew, Supporter

Stefan usually works as an engineer at a building company. He is a great supporter of art & culture and frequently helps NewCulture at their events.

Florian Beneditsch (he/him)

Crew, Supporter

Florian usually works within the field of finances and insurances and can call himself a proud father of two cats. He is a great supporter of art & culture and frequently helps NewCulture at their projects, productions and events. 

Wanna be part of the Team?

NewCulture is a young and ambitious association - from artists for artists - and continuously looking for like-minded people that want to become part of our movement and help us form the art & culture scene. 
  • Are you an artist or interested in the art & culture scene? 
  • Are you looking for a way of contributing to the art & culture scene? 
  • Do you want to work with artists, musicians, designers, poets and other creative professionals?
  • Do you want to create, plan and organize exciting art & culture events/projects with fresh new concepts? 
  • Or are you looking for a way to train or grow your own business skills as part of a young association? 
If you are interested in becoming part of the NewCulture Team and want to know more about it check out all our open positions, or write an E-Mail to office@newculture.at.

We are happy to hear from you!